Monday, May 30, 2011

LPA West of Zambales

LPA 90W (Designated by NRL) was spotted in 15.6°N, 116.5°E (West of Iba,Zambales) This LPA has a potential to become a Cyclone at a (LOW::30% Chance::)  rate. It stayed Stationary for almost 12 hours since yesterday. If this LPA becomes a Tropical Depression it would be named" Dodong"

Saturday, May 28, 2011

2 LPA spotted; SW Monsoon Affecting the Metro

As Typhoon Chedeng goes out in the PAR, it's still enhancing the SW Monsoon. All Western seaboards of Luzon are alerted for Gale winds, rains and big waves. While Visayas western sections are also alerted. 
Meanwhile 2 LPA spotted . The first one is in WSW of Iba, Zamabales or WNW of MAnila City. The second LPA was spotted near (170 degress) in Caroline Islands. This 2 LPA has a potential (LOW) to become a Cyclone. Pls stay tune for more updates in these 2 LPAs

Friday, May 27, 2011

What is it about?

1. Typhoon Details(Every 3 Hours to 6 Hours)
2.Typhoon Track Map (Every 3 Hours to 6 Hours)(With or Without PSWS)

3.Typhoon PSWS Map (Every 6 Hours)
    Sample Map of Frank "Fengshen"
4.Typhoon Rainfall Map (Sometimes)
5.Typhoon Wind Radius Map(Every 3 Hours)
    Sample Map of Frank "Fengshen"

6.Weather Analysis Map (Every day)
We issue Special Text Bulletins
1. Bulletin ( if Manila is under Signal No.1 and above)
2. Bulletin ( if the typhoon reaches Category 3 storm and will affect Philippines)
3. Local Statement Bulletin( Barangay uno)

Typhoon Chedeng "Songda"

It will move to Japan by Sunday Night. Expect Moderate - Heavy rains in Southern Luzon, WesternVisayas, because of SW Monsoon, as of 2PM May 27, Songda has a sustained winds of 240 Kph (Category 4 Storm) nad forecasted to move NNW @ 20kph... I will post Tracks, Winds Map next typhoon that will enter PAR. Next name is Dodong.